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by Tom Blaen

This is the most extensive and thorough examination of the beliefs associated with precious stones in early modern Britain. It summarises the inherited classical, Biblical and medieval lapidary traditions, and analyses how these were developed and changed prior to their disappearance from the cultural mainstream in the eighteenth century.  It studies their relationship with religion, their use in magic, the important role they played in both elite and popular medicine, the impact which the ‘new science’ of the seventeenth century had on them and the reason for their disappearance from orthodox medicine. 

This exciting new work, based on many years research, is the first academic work to explore the rich cultural history that surrounded the beliefs in the virtues of gemstones.

Specification: 385 pp., 15 x 23 cm.

ISBN: 978-0-9566119-3-2
£65.00 (inc. p&p)


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